
22 Jul

Wood flows in the EU: towards a strengthened contribution of wood use to climate change mitigation

Results of a new study presented by MoniFun partner Cleo Orfanidou from the European Forest Institute at 2024 IUFRO World Congress shows important findings about the current situation in wood use but also on the improved modelling which aims to support a better understanding on the potential of wood use to mitigate climate change.

This novel approach expands the current approaches to modelling wood product’s temporary carbon storage to include final uses such as construction, furniture, packaging and energy production. This study illustrates that including the end uses of wood products is critical in determining the carbon storage capacity and provides more accurate representation on how wood is being utilized in market level.  

This research is crucial as it supports the EU’s goal to cut down on greenhouse gases and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. By researching how wood is used and linking this information to other assessment tools, stakeholders can plan better ways to use wood for environmental benefits and lower carbon emissions. This work is associated with WP2 in MoniFun, where methodological guidance and indicators on wood flows, as well as the associated carbon and socioeconomic impacts, will be introduced as part of the European Forest Multifunctionality Monitoring System (EFMMS). This task within MoniFun aims to improve understanding and monitoring of the effects of wood use in climate change mitigation and on socioeconomic aspects.

This study supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Program and the UK Research and Innovation Council.

For her insightful poster on carbon stock modelling for wood, Cleo Orfanidou was awarded the Best Poster Award in Division 5 – Forest Products at the IUFRO World Congress 2024.

For more details check the poster.